In the event of an oil spill, wildlife may come in contact with oil. Exposure to oil can lead to adverse health impacts requiring response and rehabilitation.

International Bird Rescue
IBR is an internationally recognized organization and has responded to oil impacted wildlife around the word. IBR is operational year-round, providing critical care to wildlife beyond oiled wildlife response.
IBR maintains an oiled wildlife response team and provides support through an experienced team of wildlife experts, veterinarians, rehabilitators, emergency managers, and a turn-key response center located in Anchorage, AK.
IBR maintains an oiled wildlife response team and provides support through an experienced team of wildlife experts, veterinarians, rehabilitators, emergency managers, and a turn-key response center located in Anchorage, AK.

Alaska SeaLife Center
Located in Seward, AK, the ASLC is the only facility in Alaska that combines a public aquarium with marine research, education and wildlife response. The ASLC is a non-profit organization and the only permanent marine mammal rescue and rehabilitation facility in the state.
The ASLC Oiled Wildlife Response Team provides support through a specialized team of veterinary professionals, wildlife rehabilitators, and animal care staff. As well as an on-site rehabilitation facility, mobile response equipment and supplies.
The ASLC Oiled Wildlife Response Team provides support through a specialized team of veterinary professionals, wildlife rehabilitators, and animal care staff. As well as an on-site rehabilitation facility, mobile response equipment and supplies.

Sea Otter Rehabilitation Center
While the SORC was constructed with sea otters in mind, it was designed to be a flexible space and can be used to treat smaller pinnipeds, if needed.
- The SORC includes purpose built conex units for oiled wildlife response, including oil water separators and access to human facilities.
- The facility features a variety of wet and dry holding options, and pre-release pens.
- The ASLC is contracted to staff the SORC for oiled wildlife response.